The GameCubes opening is one of the most iconic and nostalig pieces of the gamecube. Whether watching for the first time of the hundreth time, be sure to watch the video above!
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Mario Partymore_vertcloseMario PartyThe GameCube was blessed with this incredibly fun party game with 4 different versions. Mario party 4, 5, 6, and 7 are avaliable to own on the console.
Watch your pocket! The popularity of this franchise puts these games around a market value of $40 for any one game and up to $60 for good condition.
Would reccomend at least one version to anyone owning a GameCube!
Mario Kart Double Dash!!more_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
Super Smash Bros. Meleemore_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
The Legend of Zeldamore_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
Super Monkey Ballmore_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
Sonic Adventure DXmore_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requimmore_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
Resident Evilmore_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.
Killer7more_vertcloseCard TitleHere is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.